The Gates of Logic: Digital and Sentential Logic
(aka “Commit to the Bit!”)

In our first deep-dive of the 2022-2023 school year, students learned about digital and sentential logic. 

In the realm of digital logic, we learned basic circuitry (including how transistors, capacitors, and resistors work)--not only abstractly but also concretely, by creating different types of circuits on electronic breadboards. This hands-on application of knowledge was related to our growing understanding of logic gates, the basic building blocks of any digital system--circuits that place the possible values of electric current (on/off) into electronic systems that follow prescribed logical rules, rules that can be described using Boolean algebraic equations, which we also studied. We learned how logic gates and the two possible states of transistors allow for complex logical calculations within a laptop or desktop computer, facilitating every function we take for granted--from graphics to text. We also learned how systems of logic gates work within other real-world applications, such as street lights that come on automatically when it turns dark.  

Along the way, we learned about historical forerunners of digital computing, from Jean-Marie Jacquard's 1801 punch-card loom to Charles Babbage's proto-computer built in the mid-nineteenth century to Ada Lovelace's work in response to Babbage's that is considered the first computer program. We also learned how George Boole created an algebra based upon binary truth-value statements (true/false), a mathematical system that was then used by Claude Shannon, who, in 1936, when he was not much older than some of our students, translated Boole's work into the binary language of electricity (on/off), ushering in the modern computer age. We learned, too, the history of data-encoding, which overlaps somewhat with the work of the innovators above.

We used logic gates and Boolean truth tables and "if/then" logic as a segue to sentential logic, the logic of sentences. We learned to spot premise and conclusion indicators in English, and how to spot hidden assumptions that are often encoded in arguments. We also studied the formal structures of sentential logic: valid and invalid syllogism forms and how to identify formal design flaws in arguments by means of the creation of Venn diagrams. We then studied commonly occuring logical fallacies, such as post hoc ergo propter hoc, begging the question, and hasty generalization. 

In our Friday seminar time, we read and discussed stories and essays that intersected with the subject matter, themes, or implications of what we were studying. We read stories by Steven Millhauser and Hans Christian Anderson that relate to the idea of rapidly increasing miniaturization in circuitry and to the implications of artificial intelligence. We also studied the microscopic sculptural work of British artist Willard Wigan, MBE, who wrote us a note of thanks after learning that we had learned of his work. We also discussed current events in the areas of computer technology and artificial intelligence. Finally, in light of our branching-narrative game-creation (see below), we read a New Yorker essay that happened to be published the week we wrote our games, all about the history and implications of Choose Your Own Adventure books.

As always, beneath our learning, we were learning how to learn. Students kept well organized binders that divided the subject matter into meaningful categories; they also kept a terms list. They also saw, via an outline, how the aspects of their learning were related. 

Students exercised their understanding through exercises and hands-on activities throughout the three weeks, including a game we called "May I Have Your Lunch, Lydia," in which teams of students vied for Lydia's noontime meal using arguments ruined by logical fallacies. Students also demonstrated their understanding via an open-binder test that allowed them to apply their knowledge in ways both creative and analytical. 

Students also blended creativity and analysis by creating branching-narrative text-based adventure games in the style of 80's-era computer games (we played some of the games on 80's-era computers).  The games allowed the students to express their unique points of view, senses of humor, and personal passions, even as that expression was undergirded by precise applications of Boolean i/then conditional logic within the BASIC computer language they used to create the entertainment. 

The students now have well structured binders/external memories that they can call upon in subsequent deep-dives as we seek further, richer connections within all that we discover this year and beyond.

As always, our days also bubbled with constructive, inside jokes; riffs; and fun generated by the students' bright minds (including the "aka" subtitle for the class, above). It is hard to describe all of those wonderful moments here; some have been memorialized on our Star-Splitter Facebook and Instagram pages, to which we encourage you to subscribe in order to catch glimpses of our day-to-day discoveries.


The Writers' Room: Visual Storytelling


"The Road Not Taken"